Online voting in USA
|Matúš Kopalko|source|4121x
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Online voting in USA

Denver, Colorado state will allow military personnel deployed on foreign missions and citizens on other continents to participate in municipal elections via mobile app based on blockchain technology. This is not for the very first time american state allowed such an innovation during the voting period. In the past, state West Virginia already allowed its citizens living abroad to vote via a mobile app powered by blockchain.

Such fundamental changes do not happen overnight. It is a result of cooperation among state and private institutions, including a cybersecurity leader. After about 30 successful pilot tests this technology built up a sufficient level of trust towards state institutions to rely on it during the voting periods.

For now, it's good news for military personnel deployed on foreign missions and authorized vote takers in state Denver, who are abroad. This cooperation is heading towards times, where all US citizens can use blockchain technology in a safe way in everyday life - via a mobile voting app.

Except of increased security levels and user's comfort, resources as paper are saved and there's no need for printing, nor any physical travelling due to voting.

Dollero Technology cooperates with corresponding state institutions. We build up long-term quality partnerships and that's why we belong to an expert group at Ministry of Finance of the Slovak republic, where we promote creation of secure and utilizable blockchain technology infrastructure for common people.


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