Gibraltar exchange trades digital assets
|Matúš Kopalko|source|3393x
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Gibraltar exchange trades digital assets

Gibraltar Stock Exchange (GSX) now allows listing of tokenized blockchain-based securities on its Global Market Platform. Except of standardized assets as bonds, shares or derivatives, the exchange now allows listing of open-ended and closed-ended funds in a digital or tokenized form. GSX plans to use blockchain for higher liquidity options, to increase access to low-liquidity assets and lay foundations to improve democracy in capital markets.

Another update on GSX is its approach towards licensed financial firms outside the EU, which can now apply to join the exchange and consequently bring their own issuers to the market.

Gibraltar's financial regulator issued new regulatory framework, yet in february last year. Since, it has been mandatory for companies using blockchain, to store and transfer value, apply for a license. Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange (GBX), which is a GSX subsidiary, acquired this license at the end of last year.

Cryptocurrencies and tokens represent a new way of funding practically any project - modern stock company. A company issues certain amount of cryptocurrency, which works similarly as today's shares. This cryptocurrency is then quickly and easily tradable. A big advantage is, if such a cryptocurrency has yet another usage or function within the project ecosystem.


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