UNICEF is also interested in cryptocurrencies
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UNICEF is also interested in cryptocurrencies

We probably do not have to present a global humanitarian organization UNICEF, which is part of the OSN. Its main goal is to help children around the world, and one way is to support various projects that seek to create better conditions, especially in more remote countries with weaker infrastructure. According to the latest information, UNICEF has decided to invest in seven blockchain projects, which will receive a total of up to $ 500,000. They will make these investments through their own fund.

Selected tech projects are based in six countries - Nepal, Rwanda, India, Mexico, Kenya and Argentina. A representative of UNICEF Ventures was enthusiastic about the fact that up to 5 of these companies are led by women. Each of the companies will receive funding of up to $ 100,000 and will receive a portion of these funds in the cryptocurrency Ethereum (ETH).


Xcapit - a company based in Argentina that develops an application to save money. This solution should enable lower-income families to improve their economic situation and provide them with easy access to financial services.


KotaniPay - Based in Kenya, they are developing a platform that provides transfers, savings, withdrawals, loans, and payments. It serves as a bridge between FIAT money and cryptocurrencies and allows users to access the blockchain via USD.


Grassroots Economics - another company from Kenya with its open-source platform, which should provide the whole Africa with space to digitally receive aid payments to fragile communities. It also allows token trading.

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BX Smart Labs - based in Mexico and working on a decentralized application for saving in tight circles. These are small groups of relatives, friends, or neighbours which provide ways to borrow and save money, even if they do not have access to traditional bank accounts and credit cards.


Somish Blockchain Labs - headquartered in India. They work on a protocol for managing decentralized applications (dApps). The product, called GovBlocks, creates structures for decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and enables communities to be involved in the decision-making process.


Leaf Global Fintech - a company from Rwanda that basically creates a credit platform and a virtual bank. They are trying to open up bank connections to people who do not have access to the Internet. More than 6,000 transactions have already been successfully completed on the platform.


Rumsan - a company from Nepal that develops a digital cash and voucher management system that uses tokens. They ensure a faster transfer of funds, even in the most remote areas.

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As you can see, each of these companies is mainly dedicated to non-banking services and helping different communities with their access to financial services. UNICEF created its CryptoFund as early as 2019 and invested in several blockchain projects. According to UNICEF statistics, they have already invested more than $ 10 million in this fund and also received donations from the Ethereum Foundation. The $ 1 million support was promised this year by the well-known Huobi Group and they would like to focus on supporting the development of blockchain and a positive perception of these technologies among children and young people around the world.


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