12 Examples where blockchain comes handy
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12 Examples where blockchain comes handy

Blockchain already addresses several security challenges of today's digital age, as for example problems with stolen identity or online fraud. Blockchain applications are wide - it helps in finance, health care, manufacturing, real estate, media or retail. Let's have a look at some of them.

In health care sector, project Gem tries to put disease outbreak data on a blockchain, which will increase the effectiveness of disaster relief and response. Product ConnectingCare tracks the health progress of patients after they are released from hospital. Health Nexus helps to create decentralized blockchain patient records.

Project Barclays believes blockchain is a fundamental part of a new operating system for the planet. It has launched several initiatives, which include tracking of financial transactions, combating fraud and compliance. Remme is an example of fast and affordable information transmit. This decentralized authentication system tries to replace logins and passwords for SSL certificates stored on a blockchain.

Logistics consortium Maersk has unveiled plans for blockchain-based solutions which facilitate marine insurance. Community-based project with business goals TransActivgrid helps its members to produce and sell electricity. It adds value by cutting costs involved in energy distribution. An attempt to build completely decentralized market to trade goods and services is OpenBazaar. Completely without intermediaries or any permissions. Samsung builds blockchain solutions for South Korea's government, which focuses to bring innovations to public security and transportation.

Startup Ubiquity provides blockchain powered solutions to track complicated legislative processes that add additional charges for real estate ownership transfer. Company Kodak develops blockchain system for photographers. It is searching for options on how to track intellectual property rights and associated payments. Slock is an Ethereum-based blockchain platform for the Internet of things through which they can rent anything from bikes to apartments, after both parties agree on terms of a contract.

Specific forms of blockchain, which already operate today are diverse and have focused on essential challenges so far. It is not a distant future nor unachievable blockchain dreams, today there are real concrete projects.


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