Crypto for women, too!
|Slavomír Kaňuk|source|3307x
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Crypto for women, too!

The world of cryptocurrencies keeps growing. All of us are familiar with names like Satoshi Nakamoto in connection to the bitcoin, Changpeng Zhao connected to Binance or the name of technological expert David Schwartz. Do women also play a role in this world? They do!

Who? For instance:

· Elizabeth Stark - CEO and co-founder Lightning Labs
Dovey Wan - co-founder of Primitive Ventures
Juthica Chou - co-founder of LedgerXand
Cynthia Dwork and Barbara Liskov – IT scientists

But does the list go on?

The presence of women in crypto sectors is not a rare phenomenon. However, if you compare the number of men and women at a crypto conference, you will find the latter in significantly lower numbers.

The Bizzabo company carried out a research in which it analyzed the speakers and participants at 100 cryptocurrency events in more than 15 countries. The results revealed that more than three quarters, i.e. 79%, of the participants were men and only 21% were women. According to a research carried out by the LongHash company studying the gender division in blockchain start-ups, women are represented in such teams only by 14.5%. Moreover, women are represented in much lower numbers compared to men even in management and consultancy positions.

It is no secret that women tend to join new technologies later. Consequently, there are fewer women investing and trading with cryptocurrencies. “However, due to the domain being largely dominated by men, cryptocurrency as an industry more appeals to men”, notes Dovey Wan, co-founder of Primitive Ventures.

Ženy sa v rámci celej technologickej sféry tiež často stretávajú so skrytými aj otvorenými predsudkami. „Keď sa zúčastňujem na zasadnutiach správnej rady alebo na konferencii, často ma považujú za asistentku alebo sekretárku niekoho iného,“ pokračuje Dovey Wan.

The experiences of Dovey Wan with the crypto community, however, has been a different one and she calls it “better than the general tech community.” “The community in the field of cryptocurrencies by nature is against all sorts of authority and authoritarian belief, so it’s a great area to start with gender equality. However, we still have a long way to go,” adds Wan.


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